I get this question from almost everyone I talk to about the trip. The reality is I don't have the time, and probably never will, but in many ways this is the perfect time. I'll never "have the time". Neither will you by the way so now seems pretty perfect to me to do that trip, experience, etc. you've been thinking about. Arden is 8.5 and Davis is 6. They think Tracy and I, especially I, are the coolest people in the world. I'm not 100% sure but I hear through the grapevine that fades as the kids get into their early teens.
Timing for the trip ended up being challenging as it is right as a number of deals are coming together and you know what? I'm sure everything will work out just fine. It seems all the work I'm dealing with is coming to a head right about now which is a tough time to be distanced from work. I'll have to be less detached than I originally planned but it will be fine. It has been great that every client I've talked with is so supportive and my business partner emailed me after I left the office yesterday advising me to work as little as possible, he and the team will pick up the slack. How cool is that!? It's been interesting how many people have told me about their RV trip or road trip as a kid and how it is one of the best childhood experiences they remember.
Tracy's birthday is today. Picking up the RV at 7:30 am from David McLain and packing all day. We decided to leave one day early and are leaving tomorrow morning. We should be staring at President's heads on a mountain by dinner time Sunday.
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This is Awesome man! Can't wait to hear about it along the way!